Saturday, November 22, 2014

Genes Found That Detect Breast Cancer Risk

There are many genes that are involved in cancer. Researchers in a paper published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention argue, “Combining the known genetic players in breast cancer can predict with much higher accuracy a newborn girl’s theoretical risk of developing the disease.”

Alice Whittemore, a professor at Stanford University School of Medicine, and her colleagues found 86 genetic variants that have been linked to break cancer. These rare genetic variants include BRCA1 and BRCA2 are proved to be a very high risk of disease. The genetics variants were used to predict breast cancer based on womens’ genetic makeup. Researchers found that genetic variants could account for about 35 percent of future cancer cases.

Whittemore stated, “We took 86 known genetic variants associated with breast cancer, and took what was in the world’s literature about how common those variant are, and by how much a factor they increase risk.” Several new genetic variants have been contributing in developing breast cancer.

Women that have been born with a high genetic risk for breast cancer still can change their risk. It has shown that lifestyle factors are linked to lowering genetic risk. The higher genetic risk, the more it can be reduce with healthy lifestyle choices.


1 comment:

  1. It is great to learn more about breast cancer because it runs in my family. To know there is a way to lower the risk is helpful, the interesting topic is the Angelina Jolie incident and what to do there.
