Thursday, November 14, 2019

Immune System Boosted by Extinct Humans' Gene

An extinct species of humans called Denisovans may have passed on genes to modern humans that helped our immune system become stronger and more adaptable. A gene variant from the Denisovans, boosted the immune system and increased inflammatory response to pathogens. Previous studies have found collections of gene variants that may have helped extinct humans handle altitude better and resist certain viruses, but it was unclear if any of these variants were functional. This study is the first to pinpoint one functional variant that had a benefit to the human immune system. The study also involved families where a child had severe autoimmune or inflammatory responses. Four families had this gene mutation and their immune cells produced stronger inflammatory responses that those from individuals without this mutation. This mutation was found in high amounts through a few populations which suggests that there is a selective advantage to having this mutation. Mice were also tested with this gene variant. Those with the variant had a stronger immune response when exposed to a Coxsackie virus strain, compared to mice without this gene variant. This shows that the Denisovan gene variant boosts the immune response to certain types of viruses.

Researchers identify a Neanderthal-Denisovan hybrid | The ...

It's interesting to see how extinct human species have affected the evolution of modern humans. The interbreeding of extinct humans have really shaped modern humans today and it's cool too see these similarities. Humans have so many different traits and seeing where these traits evolved from is interesting.


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  1. Interesting finding! To me, it sounds like researchers need to figure how to convert this gene into a miracle drug to help people viruses.

  2. This article is very interesting to me because it shows the interconnection between humans and Denisovans. The fact that the Denisovans may have passed on genes to modern humans that helped their immune system is quite unique. You also state how this study is the first study to pinpoint one functional variant that had a benefit to the human immune system. More studies going into research on how to build the human immune system should increase immensely after this.
