Recently, researchers in China have been trying to create a
molecular defense against HIV. This involves placing a gene, called CCR5 that
prevents HIV from entering cells. Currently, scientists are trying to place
CCR5 into human embryos using a technique called molecular scissors. This
technique allows scientists to place three copies of the CCR5 on each
chromosome. The goal of the research is to have cells resistant to HIV from
However, the embryos implanted into a uterus do not develop
into baby. Researchers believe the CCR5 is also causing a mutation on the
chromosomes that contain its copy. In addition, in the rare case the embryo
survives, the DNA is been changed, but not resistance to HIV. Scientists are
continuing research and also developing a better technique to introduce CCR5
into the chromosome.
Genetic modification is a controversial topic. Furthermore,
many people are against when humans try to act as God. However, this research
topic may be a cure for HIV. The research needs to continue, as it will bear
many fruitful results. Curing HIV may be one, but even they can’t find a cure.
The understanding of human embryology will increase. In addition, developing
better molecular biology techniques could lead groundbreaking discoveries in
the future. In the end, scientists need to continue their research of curing
HIV through gene modification (using embryos).
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