Angelina Jolie Pitt, an actress and filmmaker, made the decision to undergo a surgical procedure called laparoscopic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, which removes the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Jolie carried the genetic mutation, BRCA1, which dramatically increases the risk of ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is typically detectable during its final and untreatable stages. 40 is the recommended age to have oophorectomy surgery for those with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations. It is better to remove them early since there is no accurate method to test for ovarian cancer when affect. When detectable, it is too late, and the affected patient dies. The cancer scare pushed Jolie to be proactive about her decision since her mother, aunt, and grandmother died of cancer. Previously, Jolie removed both her breasts because BRCA1 also increases breast cancer risk. Generally, doctors recommend that breast surgery take place after oophorectomy surgery since breast cancer is detectable and treatable at early stages. The negative side effects to oophorectomy surgery are early menopause and inability to conceive. Therefore, oophorectomy surgery is ideal for women after they have had the desired number of children and before the cancer risk spikes.
Testing for
CA-125 protein monitors ovarian cancer possibilities; however, this test has
been halted by some doctors since it is ineffective at detection and does not improve one’s chance at survival. There are also no evidence that BRCA mutation causes uterine cancer risk, so Jolie has decided not to remove her uterus. Jolie empathizes for those affected who want to get pregnant, and says that they might have the option to only remove the fallopian tubes. There is little evidence that fallopian tube removal is as effective towards ovarian cancer prevention. I think it is very inspirational that Jolie shared her decision with other women. She is a strong advocator that knowledge is power because while doctors give options based on diagnosis, they cannot make decisions for you. If affected women can relate to a strong icon like Angelina Jolie, it will help them take action to make an informed decision. Signs of ovarian cancer may be similar to other non-life threatening medical issues, so it is important to take any signs of precaution if at risk when possible.
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