Tuesday, November 26, 2024

The Fight Against Disease: A Strike Against Malaria

Malaria is an Epidemic

Malaria has been a growing problem in many third world countries, with mosquitos infecting an estimated 682,191 people a day in 2022. That is an increase of 5 million year over year from 2021. With the growing concern of how to stop this epidemic, researchers are looking at using a second-generation genetically attenuated parasite to create a "favorable immune induction profile and protective efficacy" response in humans infected with the virus. The trials show favorable results and it appears that the research is moving forward. This is great news, and to subdue any concerns, although the parasite does invade hepatocytes, it never reaches a blood stage infection due to the limitations placed on it via genetic modification. 

This is a great example of how genetic research can impact medicine and help save lives where other methods fall short. I'm excited to see where this goes, and if we can apply this to other parasite originated diseases. The next problem to work on in this case is a solution for those who have been previously infected, as this performs best in first infection cases, and sub optimally otherwise. Below is an important infographic relating to the study, easily digestible by those unfamiliar with the subject matter





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