Saturday, July 28, 2018

The first sequencing of "Streptococcus sobrinus"

A team of  Illinois Bioengineering researchers from the University of Illinois, led by, Assistant Professor Paul Jensen, sequenced the genome of three different strains of Streptococcus sobrinus. This bacteria is of the coccus (plural cocci) that have a spherically round shape. They can be found in different configurations. Alone as one coccus, diplococci as a pair. streptococci as a chain, staphylococci in a pyramid like structure, and so on. Streptococcus sobrinus is in a chain structure (as seen in figure 1), this bacteria is known for accelerated tooth decay in certain individuals. The S. mutans forms tartar on the teeth and uses the sugars we eat and creates it into acid, which becomes to strong for out teeth and then decalcifies it. 
S. sobrinus is a rare bacteria, as it is not present in all humans, and has been difficult for Jensen to work with. With working with the S. mutan strains they were able to get to the elusive S. sobrinus. Jensen states "Although it is rare, S. sobrinus produces acid more quicklu and is associated with the poorest clinical outcomes, especially among children, if S. sobrinus is present along with S. mutans, you're at risk for rampant tooth decay, which means there's some level of communication or synergy between the two that we don't understand yet."
This squencing has paved the road to a better understanding of the interactions between these two strains and how they create a devastating combo. What is known so far from Jensen is that " S. mutans bacteria sends out feelers in the form of a peptide to find out how many other S. mutans cells are nearby." the moment that there are enough they go on the offensive and begin to harm a persons mouth. This creates an imbalance of "good' bacteria to "bad" bacteria.

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