Have you ever ridden on a horse and the ride was just really
“bumpy?” Chances are the horse you were riding on did not have the DMRT3 gene,
otherwise known as the “gaitkeeper” gene.
Horses have long been a way in
which human beings have been able to travel far distances. During the early
centuries of mankind, horses were mostly used for transportation as well as a
“vehicle” for riding into battle. Today, horses are prize animals showcased in
equestrian competitions and the Olympics. Interestingly enough, there is one
thing that you might not be able to see in Olympic competing horses: ambling.
Why is that? The answer: Genes.
There is a certain breed of horses
that are known to be able to amble, which is a type of gait that is not as fast
as a gallop but faster than a walk which provides riders with a much smoother
ride (See video for ambling). Evolutionary geneticist Arne Ludwig and others
from the Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research in Berlin analyzed DNA from
the remains of 90 horses some of which dating back to the 9th century.
They discovered that some of these horses contained this “gaitkeeper” gene
which allowed horses to amble smoothly over long distances. This gene mutation
was also found in early Icelandic horses but interestingly enough, not in any
other horse remains found from the same time period in mainland Europe. The
gene mutation DMRT3 has been viewed by researchers as a controller of the
expression of genes in neurons that coordinate muscle movement allowing for the
horses to amble.
I thought this was a very interesting article. I wonder if the ambling horses have acquired the gene during the 9th century because the horses chosen for transportation were always the smoothest rides and over time the trait for that gene became naturally selected.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very cool article! I had no idea such a gene even existed in horses. I've been horse back riding many times all over the country throughout different terrains and I don't ever remember having a smooth ride. In other words, I don't think any of the horses I've been on had the DMRT3 gene. As we have discussed in class, genes can be naturally selected for based on their efficiency so I'm wondering as well if this gene has been naturally selected in horses over many centuries due to its ability to provide humans with a more comfortable ride that requires taking less breaks. Overall, this was a great article!