The field of genetics advances further as researchers are now brainstorming and taking steps to learn how we can replace or "fix" damaged DNA that leads to inherited diseases. As we know, mutations in DNA can lead to severe mental, physical, biological disorders, or even sometimes death. Scientists are now doing what's being called gene-editing, and are "snipping out" damaged mitochondrial DNA, removing the mutations, and replacing it.
Using this method, so far researchers have removed mutations in mitochondrial DNA mostly in mice and human cells. The science behind this technique is as follows: enzyme called TALENs (transcription activator-like effector nucleases), work in pairs to search for and cut away damaged mitochondrial DNA in maternal eggs, all while leaving other genetic material untouched. It sounds promising, and so far TALENs have also been tested in modifying genes in frogs, rats, pigs, and human stem cells. One major problem standing in the way is the whole idea of "genome editing" in human embryos because we do not know the long term effects on germ line cells. (Germ line modifications are, "changes that are made to the DNA found in the nucleus of a sperm or egg before fertilization...").
This technique appears to have worked when tested on two generations of mice, and the offspring have had low levels of inherited mitochondrial mutations, meaning future generations may have a very small chance of inheriting a genetic disease. A team of scientists are now beginning to test this in human embryos. They are hoping for this method to only change the unwanted DNA and not affect healthy material. If so, then it opens a lot of doors to "genome editing" science. For some, there are still worries about the ethics of this practice.
I think that this type of science could help significantly decrease genetic disorders and be beneficial to people who have a history of genetic disorders in their families who want children. Personally, I don't think this should be an ethical issue because it's not like "designer babies" where people are changing the (for example) eye color of their kids just because they want it. This is for an actual health reason. Even though the future effects are not yet known, I think any life is better than no life.
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