Thursday, December 4, 2014

Innate immune system condemns weak cells to their death

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Molecular Biologist at the University of Zurich and Columbia University have demonstrated that the innate immune system plays a key role in this mechanism. Cancer cells however can also use this to cause cells that are important for healthy tissues to die. The scientists used a fruit fly model to show that during cell competition, programmed cell death is activated in the weaker cells. This cell death is caused by SpƤtzle, a signaling protein that docks onto toll related receptors. These toll receptors normally trigger a defensive reaction to bacterial or fungal reactions, but can also trigger apoptosis in weak cells. However, sometimes the stronger cell is not a healthy cell such as a tumor that can outcompete the weaker cells. Then healthy cells fall behind in fitness and undergo apoptosis.

This research is important for cancer researchers and can help contribute to early detection cancer. The innate immune system can help identify faster growing cells that are not yet malignant cells. This presents a new way to fight cancer at an earlier stage and help treat it before the patient is terminal.

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