Nutrigenomics is a growing field of study today. Since people react differently to the same foods, studying individuals' genetic make up will help nutritionists to develop better diets to achieve the patients' goals. This one- on- one nutrition recommendation is called Personalized Nutrition, a a branch of Personalized Medicine.
The researchers of University of Toronto conducted an experiment with 138 healthy young adults and split them into two groups. The control group was given dietary recommendations without genetic information. The experimental group,however, was given low sodium dietary recommendation based on their genetic information. They had been informed they carried a gene linked to sodium intake and high blood pressure. Progress was tested after three and twelve months. There was no change in the health of the control group. The experimental group on the other hand showed significant improvement in health.
Personalized nutrition is great news for the general population. A good amount of population today in developed countries, such as in America, struggle with a healthy diet and weight, which can contribute to serious illness.
Is there anything else about how the patients health improved or how to improve health for people not just experiencing sodium intake and high blood pressure?
ReplyDeleteI find it very interesting that Personalized Nutrition has expanded to the point where an individual's genetic makeup is taken into account. When a nutritionist is able to see exactly how a patient will react to a specific diet, he will be able to instruct the patient in the best manner. Hopefully this science will lead to more efficient dieting regimens in the future that will help the general population become more healthy.
ReplyDeleteI like the fact that they could eliminate the placebo effect by having the experimental group showing result in improvement. By using this method it would help increase lifespans and possibly longterm health if started at a young age