Thursday, December 4, 2014

Researchers discovers a link between the x chromosomes and Gigantism

There has been a new finding that a section of the x chromosomes that has been duplicated is responsible for the overgrowth in young children and can even adults. The findings were done from the researchers at NIH’s Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development of NICHD for short. With the collaboration of (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke) NIH, that provided support by having records of families with gigantism. There research dated back to the mid 90’s of a mother that was treated for gigantism and her two sons, and another family that had a daughter with gigantisms. 
An image of a pituitary gland, so small to the brain but it is what controls the flow of hormones.

They were tested and their findings agree with the researchers findings, since the patients had the same duplication on the their x chromosomes. If they are able to locate which gene it is on the x chromosomes it will benefits the physicians, according to Dr. Stratakis stated, “As pediatricians and endocrinologists, we look at growth as one of the hall hallmark of childhood. Understanding how children grow is extraordinary important, as an indicator of their general health and their future well-being.” To me it make sense why he would feel this way since, we were taught in biology that the their was a small gland close to the forehead that releases hormones that regulate growth, and when in puberty stage this gland goes into overdrive “in a sense.” Gigantism is a result from a defect in the pituitary gland; this could range from an oversized gland or a tumor in the pituitary gland. Although, gigantism can be treated by medication and if need surgery. Researchers believe that they can find new treatment for children with gigantism by finding out more of the gene they believe to be causing gigantism. The gene most likely to cause these problem is called GPR101 and the researcher found that it was up to 1000 time more stronger in children with gigantism then children without gigantism. I believe that the human chromosomes have more hidden factors that influence the human body, but the technology has not gotten that far yet. The GPR101 gene must have a reason to be over acting and researchers are looking into why. I believe that certain conditions have to be met for the gene to overexpress such as the chemical in the air along with the mother blood type. When thinking about all the possibility of why things happen in genetics it is exciting, although they’re still the depressing side as to the genetic defect occurring in the first place.      

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