Monday, December 8, 2014

Could the Key to Good Memory be Found in Our Genes?

This study was conducted by Professor Ian Deary of the University of Edinburgh in the UK. His goal was to find small genetic variants that contribute to memory. Data was collected from previous studies and 30,000 patients over the age of 45 were dementia free for the experiment. Low memory scores were associated with a gene called Apolipoprotein E. Previous research has linked this gene to increased cases of dementia. A mutation in the gene involved with immune responses played a role as well. Scientists hope to conduct further studies accounting for age and how the immune system lacking contributes as well.

This study interested me greatly, considering how often Alzheimer's and other memory related health issues occur in humans. Patients that have these problems are truly helpless at a certain stage, and if more is known about how you can receive this the chances of receiving them could be much less frequent and even save lives. Prevention could also take place, another way to avoid suffering from memory related issues.

Main Article:


  1. I found this post interesting. Memory related diseases have become so prevalent in our society. I would be a great help to the medical field if we could learn more about this link.

  2. This blog caught my attention because a few individuals, including myself, in my family have trouble with our memories. I do a agree that this will study will be a great help to those working in the health profession with patients with memory related illnesses.
