Monday, December 8, 2014

A Glass of Red Wine a Day Keeps Cancer Away

Alcohol is bad for your DNA and causes many health problems, and is often a factor in certain neck and head cancers. Most doctors would tell you to stay away from it to increase your chances of not having cancer, but is it bad in all forms? The more alcohol you drink, the more DNA damage that occurs. Although, it was found that with red wine, there is something in the wine that blocks the cancer-causing properties of alcohol. It was found in a recent study that resveratrol, a chemical found in grapes and red wine, takes out cells with the most DNA damage, or the cells that are most likely to cause cancer.

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  1. I find this study very interesting. It is interesting that something that may harm you could also help.I hope they do further research on this study.

  2. Throughout the years I have heard many different things about wine and health. I have heard people should have only one glass a week, then I have heard that people should actually have one glass a day. I think drinking wine does have its health benefits, I think the quantity of wine is the key to whether it will be harmful or helpful.
