The mitochondrial genomes of Parapanteles hypsidrae and Protapanteles immunis are sequenced and annotated revealing two novel types of gene rearrangement, the local inversion of nad4L in Pa. hyposidrae and the remote inversion of the block cox3-nad3-nad5-nad4 in Pr. immunis, within the mitogenomes of Braconidae. This study conducted analyses of base composition, codon usage, gene rearrangement, and phylogeny within Braconidae (the family that both of these parasitoid wasps belong to). The results of this analysis suggest that the sub family, Microgastrinae, is a monophyletic group despite Apantelini and Cotesiini, the tribes within the subfamily, both being paraphyletic. This article breaks down the genetic research being done to connect different species through the evolution of their genetic code from the most recent common ancestor and comparing their expressed traits.
This article’s focus on tracking the genetic connections between these wasps, using phylogenetics, is very interesting to me. The particular mutations found in their genomes illustrate their close relationship, as well as establishing a possible monophyletic sub family, which contains two paraphyletic tribes. Comparisons like these can further our understanding of the connections between species through their shared or derived traits.
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