Friday, November 24, 2023

Genetics and Human Cranial Vault Shape: A Reevaluation

The human skull, a complex structure that protects the brain. The question lies on what genetic factor dictates cranial morphology? New shocking evidence was found by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh and KU Leuven that 30 regions of the genome are associated with the shape and structure of the brain. More importantly, 29 of these are new findings that weren't reported prior. Prior research of genes flourished results in rare human conditions. However, lack of awareness was shown on the genetic basis for typical features of the general public.  This awareness will produce enrich results. In addition, the following suggestions paleoanthropology studies, implementing different measures to describe vault shape, and variants in gene association. 
           Among the following suggestions, variants in gene association sheds light on the bigger picture. A discovery of the strong association near genes can dictate different results in formation of the head and skull. This relates to two variants near the gene RUNX2 that could coordinate development of the bone structure of the skull, or having global effects of the cranial vault. Another aspect is three variants BMP2, BBS9 and ZIC2 corresponding to Craniosynostosis. These variants suggest genes could aid in the development. 
        Overall, the human skull is a complex structure. It's clear that unlocking the human genome is a trip down the rabbit hole. As new technologies and methods immerse, more luck in understanding the secrets to be found within the genome that impact the cranial vault.

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