Monday, December 14, 2020

Scientists raid DNA to explore Vikings’ genetic roots


Vikings were always known as warriors who plundered the coastline. However our culture portrays Vikings in movies are fictional. There was  DNA studies recently revealing the true genetic diversity of Vikings which the evidence suggested that they were a more powerful group of traders and explorers. The genetic data gathered from 442 humans whose remains were around 2400 B.C. to 1600 A.D buried in areas where Vikings were known to have been. Some places they were located at were Greenland and  Scandinavia with artifacts such coins, weapons, and entire boats. The DNA showed that they were a diverse group with ancestry from hunter, gathers, farmers, and populations from Eurasia. The analysis also showed that they didn’t interact as much within the Scandinavian region as much as they did outside. Which means they were more intimate with a broad range of people encountered in far travels. They found remains in Scotland with Vikings swords and equipment yet were not genetically connected to Scandinavia. What the DNA study does not resolve is the question of how the Viking phenomenon began. However with the confirmation of 442 Viking era humans that were genetically diverse, researchers can now search for Viking roots now. I think this article was very interesting because it shows in whole how human genetics can spread. As well as it spreads even after that era is done.  


1 comment:

  1. I didnt know vikings were considered to be make believe people with made up culture, history and language etc. If anything I am surprised that it took DNA testing and artifact testing to confirm that these groups of people had links to ancestral homes in Greenland and Scandinavia. It is important however to acknowledge that these people were not only diverse because they were known to travel but that they have impacted shore towns of many nations like England, Scotland and Ireland.
