I absolutely believe that losing your virginity is a conscious decision impacted by peer behavior, an individual’s surrounding environment, and their upbringing. I believe there is no way genetics can impact when individuals have sex for the first time. There has been research performed to prove this opinion wrong. Researchers found that differences in DNA can justify as much as a quarter of the variation in the age in which individuals lose their virginity, with other factors (religious beliefs, family background, peer pressure, personality, outer appearance) being the other three quarters. Thirty eight sections of DNA found to affect the age were virginity were genes that drive reproductive biology. These genes usually release sex hormones and even affect the age of puberty. Although genes do affect the release of hormones and the age of puberty, I do not support the research that genes affect the age at which an individual will lose their virginity. I would like to see more research in the topic before accepting or failing to accept the hypothesis.
I was intrigued about this article and personally read it myself after seeing your post, and I completely agree with your opinion. Linking age at which we lose our virginity to the genetic variations in our DNA sounds pretty far-fetched. I mean I don't fully disagree on some of the statistical analysis, a correlation between the genetic variant and its common occurrence in people who had kids at an early age is interesting and something to consider. But this study is only paying attention to the action of people losing their virginity at a young age, how does this study pertain to people who don't lose their virginity until a much later age? I feel like something so arbitrary of losing your virginity can't be linked to something so concrete as the genetic sequences in our DNA.