Sunday, November 29, 2015

Two Genes Link Genetic Variation to Depression

A countless amount of people in the world suffer from various forms of depression in today's society. Various factors cause depression and now for the first time, geneticists have confirmed a genetic link to depression. It has been determined that two genetic variants contribute to the risk of major depression disorder.

Genome sequences of 5,303 Chinese women with major depression disorder (MDD) were observed and then compared to genome sequences of 5,337 non-depressed, healthy Chinese women throughout 38 hospitals across China. The researchers observed two genetic links located on chromosome 10 with the disorder, SIRT1 gene (deals with the mitochondrial function) and LHPP gene (deals with the brain, the liver and kidneys). Despite this discovery being made, the people with these genes only have a slight increased risk of developing MDD (less than 1 percent increase),

Although this discovery was only "borderline significant", there still was a connection made between people with these two genes and depression. I believe that this information is extremely important even though there was not much evidence providing why depression is higher in people with these two genetic variants compared to those who do not have the genes, it still was some information. Opening this door of linking genetic variants to depression could open many other doors and begin to clarify the biology behind depression and how to prevent it from happening or how at a younger age treatment could be offered.

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  1. This is pretty interesting. Now people can say that depression runs in their genes and they can be medically treated for depression. For most people, depression is just a psychological state of mind. But now, people can be born with depression and have that gene activate at a certain time in their life.

  2. This gives me some peace knowing that such discoveries are being made. I know that some people have an inherent disposition towards becoming depressed for no reason. The reason might be their genes! That to me is crazy yet comforting because once you have discovered the root of the problem, steps can be taken to solve it.

  3. I find this topic extremely interesting because not many studies are conducted when it comes to depression. Like you said, it is opening this door to linking genetic variants to depression and giving people an idea what is going on that is affecting depression. I think it is crazy how new discoveries like these happen every day.
