Monday, September 28, 2015

Genetic Test Identifies Which Breast Cancer Patients Can Avoid Chemotherapy

A new study published in The New England Journal of Medicine might lead to a different course of action following a diagnosis of breast cancer. The study looked at the effectiveness of a genetic test called Oncotype DX.  The test looks for a number of genes in breast tissue that are cancer-related and gives a score, with a higher score (ranging from 0-100) indicating a greater risk for recurrence in breast cancer.

"The team found that around 99% of low-risk women treated with hormone therapy alone did not experience breast cancer recurrence within 5 years. What is more, the rate of invasive disease-free survival at 5 years was almost 94%, while the risk of cancer returning at a distant site was less than 1%."

While the study is still ongoing, these early results offer hope to women all over the world. The study shows that some methods of treatment can even be entirely hormone-based without fear or recurrence. If alternative treatments (such as the hormone therapy) can be used, a large portion of the risk of treatment related to chemotherapy would no longer be an issue.


  1. It's always great to read about progress or breakthrough studies of cancer. It would be fantastic to eventually see a treatment that doesn't require chemotherapy at all. The increasing numbers of survival are so nice to see as well! Can't wait for more studies on it.

  2. Its great to know that there trying to avoid chemotherapy at all cost. Time can only prove if treating with additional hormones that our body do not produce be helpful at all.
