Thursday, April 30, 2015

Personality: It's Nature Not Nuture

After conducting recent studies, scientists have found that one's personality is dominantly determined by ones genetics, rather than environmental factors. The article states that considering Psychologists believe personality is more so influenced by a person's given environment, this information is very important.
To carry out the study, Researchers studied over 800 sets of twins, both fraternal and identical. The twins were asked a series of questions regarding how they thing of themselves in terms of personality and following this, their answers were analyzed using a highly respected psychological scale.
The information indicated that genetics play the largest roll in influencing a person's level of self control. This in turn impacted social skills, ability to learn, reaction to challenge, and idea of self purpose.
I found this article really interesting. I've always wondered about the weight and influences of nature and nurture, and have always felt myself that nature played a bigger role. Having found results contrary to what is widely believed, I hope further research is done, as this study was geared to personality in terms of one achieving success in life. I think this breakthrough will also help doctors to better treat patients in the field of psychology.


1 comment:

  1. This made me think of how serial killers may have genetic variants that, even if they are exposed to a comfortable environment, will always be predestined to have the urge to kill. Interesting read!
