Sunday, April 5, 2015

Dna can't explain all inherited traits.

     DNA is thought to be the one thing that designates genes and traits that a person may have. Researchers have discovered that this may not be the case. It turns out that histones, which are not part of DNA, but can control whether or not a gene is turned on or off. These studies have shown that changes that occur in these proteins are passed on to offspring and therefore influence whether or not a trait is passed on. This goes to show that DNA is not the sole thing responsible for passing on genes.
     This research will help to understand how certain traits are passed on, or if environmental factors play a role in which genes are passed on to offspring. Scientist used yeast to show how this works. They made changes to a histone protein in the yeast which made nearby genes turn off. The next generation of yeast had these same genes switched off, which were inherited from the parent generation. This is just the beginning, there is much more research that has to be done to understand exactly how these genes are passed on through these proteins, but in the end this will further our understanding of heredity.

Article:DNA can't explain all inherited biological traits, research shows
Ref1: Histones

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