Colorblindness, although it may appear like a small inconvenience to
the majority of people who do not suffer from the disorder, it is
severely life altering. Many career paths require proper color vision,
for example fire fighters, electricians, and pilots. Even daily
activities, like driving in the dark are extremely dangerous for
individuals from colorblindness. This disorder controls the lives of
over 10 million Americans. Due to the fact it is a X-linked gene, it
predominates in males. It only affects 0.5% of females, however 8% of
males. This trait causes confusion between blue and yellow or red and
One couple, Jay and Maureen Neitz have been excelling in their efforts to cure people of color blindness. Using gene therapy directed at the retina, new genes are administered that respond to color. These scientist together have practiced their techniques and surgically cured a squirrel monkey of colorblindness. Unfortunately, this method they established six years ago is too risky for human patients. Consequently, a nonsurgical treatment is demanded and researched by a team at the University of California. Their method of delivering new genes to the retina is through injections into the vitreous humor. This is a clear gel filling most of the eyeball, inevitably establishing it’s structure. Researchers claim this treatment method will reach human patients within a couple years.Gene therapy treatment research is skyrocketing. I cannot conceptualize the quantity of cures for genetic disorder scientist will safety establish in the coming years. In particular, colorblindness is an important genetic disorder to cure, because it affects the life's of even those without the disorder. Imagine a time you ran a red light because you saw a green arrow, now imagine how many people confuse these red and green lights due to their genetic predisposition. Many life's will benefit from this up and coming treatment.
Unaffected individuals see the number seventy four, while this of red-green deficiencies identify the number as twenty-one. Absence of a number foretells full color blindness |
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Wow! I did not know that colorblindness affected so many Americans. I think it would be great if scientists found a safe way to administer the gene therapy to humans. It would certainly have a positive impact on the lives of those affected by colorblindness as well as those around them.