Friday, December 5, 2014

Smoking Might Cost Men Their 'Y' Chromosome

A new study has found that men who smoke will see their Y chromosomes disappear from their body. There research that shows as men age, they lose Y chromosomes. The new research linked the Y chromosome to short life span and dying from cancer. Recent research suggests that the Y chromosomes  contains large amount of genes and those genes suppress tumors.
The findings show that men who smoke are definitely are more risk than nonsmokers. The study is done by the researchers analyzing blood samples from more than 6,000 men who took part in three different studies. The researchers also took other risks into account like high blood pressure, excess weight, diabetes, and lack of exercise.  And as for women, they lose X-chromosome from their cells as they age. This research can solve many mysteries I think in the medical field; it is a great finding.  


  1. This is shocking to find that smoking has a direct correlation to the y chromosomes. Although it would make sense if the person health deteriate then the person would be more prone to illness. It's horrible but informative to know that my y chromosomes small already will shrink and disappear.

  2. I think this phenomenon should definitely be emphasized more. Perhaps if people knew effects such as this one, they would think twice about picking up a cigarette. I hope that researchers will expand on the research.

  3. This is similar to the article I created. I'm only assuming that the researchers had to focus their attention on the white blood cells since it appears those are the only cells that have a nucleus that are found in the blood.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I was actually unaware that the Y-chromosome began to disappear when a man ages. The fact that smoking decreases the amount of Y-chromosomes even more is very scary. People should be made more aware of this fact.

  6. I never knew that the Y chromosome suppressed the growth of tumors. If smoking is so degenerative, maybe there can be a way to have scientists to produce healthy smoke to prevent cancer by strengthening the y or x chromosome.
