Saturday, December 6, 2014

Red Wine Preventing Cancer

Alcohol has the ability to damage cells in the body, and a plant compound called resveratol may kill the cells after being damaged. Although the body has the ability to fix damaged genes, an excessive amount of alcohol may disable the repairing. Therefore, an increased amount of alcohol intake has been associated with and increased risk of head and/or neck cancer. Resvertol, however, can kill cancerous cells, thus decreasing the effects of cancer.

Although an excessive amount of alcohol increases the chance of head and neck cancer, red wine contains resveratol and this enables the body to kill harmful cells. Resveratol is found in grape skins as well as in red wine. A biochemist at the University of Colorado, Dr. Robert Sclafani, stated that the destruction of genes from alcohol can be used beneficially with red wine. Resveratol kills the cells with damaged DNA.

Studying the genetic disorder Fanconi anemia allows researchers to discover the effects of alcohol on the body. This disease is extremely rare, affecting only 1 in 350,000 infants. Without the disease, the tangles that naturally form in DNA (called cross links) are untangled with genes. With the disease, people are not able to untangle the cross links. The amount of DNA damage yields an increased risk of cancer. The cause of cancer in Fanconi anemia are very similar to the cause of cancer from alcohol. In both cases, the body is unable to metabolize alcohol by transforming it to acetyl aldehyde. In addition, aldehyde dehydrogenase is not able to transform the acetyl aldehyde to acetic acid. If the dehydrogenase isn't functioning properly, acetyl aldehyde builds up, and is toxic. Acetyl aldehyde is one cause for the cross links in DNA that may lead to cancer.

Statistics have shown that people who drink red wine are less likely to develop cancer. This shows researchers and oncologists that there must be a reason for this phenomenon.


Supporting Article:


  1. Very interesting article. It seems that the affects of resveratol operate like a two edged sword. There is a good and a bad. However, I was always under the impression that glutathione was the limiting reagent when it came to the synthesis of acetyl aldehyde to acetic acid.

  2. I find it very interesting that there is a possible compound that may hinder the health benefits that come with red wine. I had always been told that there aren't many good things that come from consuming alcohol but red wine had always been a presented as a healthy delicacy that did have its benefits. It would be amazing if genetics could somehow be able to isolate the compound so that people can enjoy the benefits of red wine.

  3. I've heard about this resveratol on many occasions and never really understood its benefits. I feel that you would have to drink a substantial amount of wine for resveratol to have any affect on your health... I guess there's my excuse to have a glass of wine with dinner tonight.

  4. I definitely agree with Kristine. It is interesting how red wine does have positive effects on prevention of cancer and also heart issues. A glass of wine is possible to do this, doesn't mean a whole bottle a night. Everything in moderation.
