Monday, November 3, 2014

Scientists Figure Out How to Genetically Yield More Crops

In the article I read, researchers from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory found that they can change a tomatoes genes to produce more growth. They have been working on this experiment for many years and finally figured out the key. Researchers started off knowing that the shoots and leaves were important factors regarding the vegetative growth and flower production. In flowering pants these two things (vegetative growth and flower production) are controlled by florigen and anti-florigen, which counteracts the florigen. The researchers found different gene mutations that affect the balance between florigen and anti-florigen to their specific needs. They tested many different times and found the genetic toolkit that yielded the most, and biggest fruit. They also tested in different backgrounds, years and environments to make sure this information was beneficial everywhere.  They even found out what to do to make different fruiting vegetables beneficial for the specific needs of the farmer. According to researchers this can be done for a number of different fruiting plants. Also, this is an important study because 1 in 8 people alive today are starving. Hopefully, this can be a start to end world hunger.
This is amazing to me because I think that world hunger is a serious problem that is very overlooked and any bit of science that can help is important. I have also always been amazed artificial selection because I think it is so interesting how you can do change a plant or animal to meet whatever specific needs you are looking for. I know this discovery will not end world hunger but I hope it can help with some of the problem.

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