Saturday, November 22, 2014

Diseases caused by immune system fault.

A group of researches at the University of Edinburgh have discovered the way a gene mutation can lead to diseases that occur when the immune system accidentally attacks the body. They found that a mutation in a gene, known as ADAR1, causes a defect in an alarm system cells that usually protects the body from viruses and other infections. This mutation causes the immune system to attack its own good, healthy, cells.

Its been proved that some viruses encode their genetic material using a molecule called RNA. Our own cells also produce this when the genes encoded in our DNA are translated into proteins. When foreign RNA is detected inside a cell, it is the first warning sign of an infection. The team of researchers has developed a system that helps the body understand the differences between normal RNA and foreign RNA.

They discovered that ADAR1 adds a specific chemical signature to the cell's own RNA molecules. This signal stops them from setting off an immune response. A normal virus’ RNA molecules don’t have this so the immune system attacks.

"Our findings provide fresh insights into the way cells distinguish our own genetic material from that of disease-causing agents, such as viruses, "said Dr. Liam Keegan, of the MRC Human Genetics Unit at the University of Edinburgh

Dr Mary O'Connell said: "This is crucial for understanding how the immune response can be inappropriately triggered to attack our own cells and cause devastating autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases."

Having this greater understanding of the mechanisms to stop this mutation could help scientists develop new treatments for many autoimmune systems. I think it’s great that they were able to figure it out. It’s crazy how such a small mutation could lead to the body attacking itself on accident.


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