The University of California, San Diego Health Sciences has released their results and proved that LipoLLA, the lipid, that contains the linolenic acid found in vegetable oil, has been verified safer and more effective at battling these gastric cancers by testing the H. pylori bacteria in mice rather than normal antibiotics. This particle is defined as a nanoparticle in the field of nano-therapeutics. What it does inside the body is it attaches to the bacteria (membrane-wise) and then the linolenic acid disperses in the bacteria and kills it. The team figured out that by feeding micefluorescent markers to tract the LipoLLa, they measured the bacteria that was left and compared it to the use of normal antibiotics.
However, this is not the first time scientists found a way to stop this bacterium. In Southern Medical University in China, researchers developed an oral vaccine that was also tested in mice.
I found this article interesting because I would not even think to begin to suggest an ingredient found in vegetable oil to come closer to fight cancer and ulcers. The key fact is that the LipoLLa was proven that it would not harm the mice and virtually makes it a safer and more effective drug than normal antibiotics. The brilliance of these scientists is incalculable because they seem to find something new everyday. I'm guessing somewhere in the near future that they'll figure out how to make the medicine using this new particle for human consumption.
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