Thursday, November 27, 2014

Gene Linked to Reduced Stroke Risk

Researchers recently discovered a gene that helps prevent one of the major causes of stroke. This discovery could possible lead to new treatments for young and middle aged adults. Researchers from the University of London and an international team have discovered a variant of the PHACTR1. Individuals with this variant are known to have a reduced risk of cervical artery dissection caused by a tear in an artery leading to the brain.

This discovery will lead to new treatment and prevention options for adults with diseases that increase the risk of strokes. This same variant may also be linked to a reduced risk for migraines and heart attacks. These findings have help scientists have a greater understanding of how genomes related to the vascular systems. This means this discovery could also help with treatment and prevention for many disabling vascular conditions. More research will be conducted to identify these specific genes and genomes in hopes to find the causes of strokes and heart disease. This would be an incredible medical breakthrough and hopefully save many lives in the future.

1 comment:

  1. My step-father had a stroke and I think this post is great. New treatment and prevention options for adults who are prone to have heart attacks or strokes will be amazing. It is hard now to prevent strokes, even though you can prevent it some people are more prone to get them. If finding more options to stop this from happening there will be many people who will live longer and healthier.
