Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Biocircuits Could Be a Thing of the Future

     Progress on recent studies have shown that it may be possible to create a biological circuit, similar to an electronic circuit, that can deliver inputs and outputs. Researchers at MIT have found ways to reduce the unpredictability of these devices and have made them predictable similar to electronic circuits.  

     A potential use for these circuits would biosensing. Biosensing is when cells detect specific molecules in the environment and from that detection, a response is triggered. Developing something that could detect the presence of cancer cells would be ideal, because then an immune response to kill the cancer could be triggered from these circuits. You can read more on biosensing here.

     I believe the potential of this study is amazing and should definitely be looked into. Circuits haven't currently been designed for specific tasks like that yet, but once they are stable I'm sure bioengineers will find a way to do something useful for medical treatment with these. 

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