Monday, December 9, 2024

Scientists Spot Gene That Could Help Cause Miscarriages

    In a recent study conducted by Rutgers university, a genetic marker had been identified that is directly correlated to accelerated reproductive aging which in turn increase the risk for miscarriage in women. The marker is located on gene KIF18A. This gene is responsible for the accelerated aging of eggs in young females. This effect their fertility and increase the risk for problematic pregnancies. Many miscarriages are due to the eggs having abnormal number of chromosomes. As women age their egg health and viability decreases. 

In the study conducted, the utilized data collected from a vitro fertilization clinic. They analyzed the data of maternal DNA sequences that could have been linked to poor fertility. In this study they found a certain gene marker which caused a higher number of abnormal eggs. They used mice which they used to carry the genetic marker and used mice that did not have the marker. Mice with the marker produced more abnormal eggs then those without the marker. With this study it supports more correlation the causation in the relationship, however with the new findings they are looking into more genetic variants that lead to abnormal eggs and female infertility issues. 

The hope is to allow for more information about female fertility to be discovered. With this type of genetic testing, it can help inform those who would like to have children about the risks, options, or concerns they might have. 

I think this is a great study. My own mother struggled with fertility issues as well as 2 miscarriages. Luckly she was able to go through IVF and have children but so many women struggle with these issues. I think being able to have genetic testing which allows for more information on whether women might have concerns when it comes to pregnancy could be a big factor in their concerns.


Miscarriage: Causes, Symptoms, Risks, Treatment & Prevention

1 comment:

  1. I also did one of my blogs on this study and felt very hopeful for the future. My mother also had a miscarriage when she was a young adult and struggled mentally as a result. It is amazing to hear that because of this discovery there will be access to genetic testing that could prevent similar situations in the future.
