Sunday, December 8, 2024

Genetics of child aggression, a systematic review

This article covers how genetics relates to childhood aggression. This article discusses 87 different studies that all analyze the factors that play into aggressive behaviors in children. It was found that genes do play a large role in the risk of aggression in children. Many genes and pathways play into this including dopaminergic, serotonergic, vasopressin, and oxytocin systems. 

The article mentions that while extensive research has been done, further research is needed in order to fully comprehend the linkage between childhood aggression and genetics. This research is important because understanding the relationship will allow specialists to identify childhood aggression early and be able to come up with strategies for prevention and intervention. 



  1. I think this is such an interesting topic to research. This summary shows the significance of understanding the genetic components of childhood aggression. It is fascinating that systems like dopaminergic and serotonergic pathways have such a big part in the aggression. I agree that this research has the potential to transform early intervention strategies.

  2. I am obviously commenting this without actually having read the research, but I wonder to what extent were environmental factors controlled in the study and how that was a covariate in the study, if there were any covariates at all. very interesting research and area of study, as well as very useful to the way that we understand childhood development.
