Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Tuxedo cat genetics

 Although common, the Tuxedo cat is not an actual cat breed. Any cat in a litter could have the noticeable tuxedo coloration, and come from any breed.  This kind of cat can even be born if neither parent has the markings, they will inherit the black and white gene. Scientists first hypothesized these markings were due to ‘slow’ genes that moved too slowly to cover the entire cat’s coat. 

The study of cat coat genetics has always been prevalent, and tuxedo marking are especially interesting because of the fact it isn’t an actual breed of cats. Tuxedo cats are also extremely common, and unfortunately overlooked in shelters. They are smart and lovable, and quire fascinating. 

*yes that is my cat in the picture :)* https://rawznaturalpetfood.com/tuxedo-cats/#:~:text=A%20tuxedo%20cat%20can%20even,cover%20the%20cat%27s%20entire%20coat.


  1. I had no idea that Tuxedo cats don't actually inherit their characteristic markings from their parents even though they are very common. I noticed on the source you referenced that more recent studies that the markings are likely the result of a faulty KIT gene that determines if there's any white in the cat's coat, so I'd be really interested in learning where this research goes. Your cat is adorable btw!

  2. This is so interesting! I always assumed Tuxedo cats were their own breed, but it appears that after reading this article, they are not. Is this due to selective breeding or animal breeders? I feel like there could be a possibility that breeders selected for certain genes that would guarantee some sort of Tuxedo-like coat...just some food for thought. Cool article!

  3. Very cute cat, this is an awesome topic that I did not think had any correlation to genes. That is very interseting that the tuxedo cat can come from any breed of cats even if the parents do not have white and black fur. This makes me wonder how some other cats of different patterns and colors are made genetically.

  4. Great post! I always assumed that Tuxedo cats were their own species that could be bred but the fact that they are not a distinct breed but rather a coloration pattern is very interesting. The sourced article stated that this coloration pattern may be due to a faulty KIT gene and that for the offspring to develop this pattern they just need to inherit the black-and-white gene. I am curious to see what other discoveries may unveil on this topic and if eventually certain genes can be crossed to guarantee a tuxedo pattern.
