Friday, December 8, 2023

Rebuilding Herds with Genetics: Fight Against the Liquidation Trend

            Cattle producers in the United States have faced many challenges over recent years. Primarily the liquidation trend has increasingly shown economic loss, and will continue unless advancements are made. Recent events led cattle producers to optimize on superior genetics to help resolve this issue. As it can aid quality in genetic makeup, to improve amongst new and future herds. Global AgriTrends Founder & President Brett Stuart challenges this claim as they emphasize the complexity of the global livestock industry that exceeds genetics. Notably it is highlighted to overcome a complex challenge by prioritizing on specific solutions, such as genetic improvement. 

One company has chosen to help resolve this issue. Allied Genetic Resources focus on helping cattle producers make genetic improvements to certain traits. Along with, offering service in seedstock breeding, tools for genetic selection, communication gaps, and data management. Allied Genetic Resources primarily is interested in focusing on genetics that can result in small improvements over time. This suggests a strong correlation on improvement in the liquidation trend.

1 comment:

  1. This is an informative article. It is true that cattle farmers have faced a number of challenges in that past years. The superior genetics that has been optimized to solve these challenges is great but will this make the genetic makeup of cattle to be altered such that in coming years their quality may dwindle? This is a question we need to ask ourselves.
