Monday, November 21, 2022

Executive order Encourages the Advancement of Biotechnologies

On September 12, 2022 President Biden signed an executive order on "Advancing Biotechnologies and Biomanufacturing innovations to create a more sustainable, safe, and secure bioeconomy." The plan is to work hand in hand with other departments and companies to find innovative solutions to challenges in the fields of health, climate, energy, food security, agriculture, the list goes on. All this to ensure national and economic security. The current administration wants to boost and stay current on innovations in bioengineering and new technologies to address several current issues. You may notice the numerous times the prefix "bio" is used, if only in the title. This means that there will be an emphasis on the application of genetics to "develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers; unlock the power of biological data, including through computing tools and artificial intelligence." With this order going into effect, many of the obstacles hindering the advancement of such biotechnologies will be removed making for a less stringent process so products developed by such technologies reach markets at a quicker pace. 

Cell circuitry is a biological process in which the trillions of cells in our bodies perform numerous biochemical computations. Our ability to execute specialized tasks, and interact with an ever changing environment is thanks to the genetic circuits (networks of genes performing computations) in our cells. 

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