Monday, November 22, 2021

Study Finds Green Tea Compound May Help Treat Down Syndrome


A compound found in green tea, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) revealed to improve cognitive function in individuals with Down Syndrome.  Some of these functions include delayed language and speech development, poor concentration, and learning impairments.  1 in 691 babies are born with this condition which is a common genetic disorder of a third copy of chromosome 21.  

This test was previously tested on mice and showed EGCG reduced overall expression of the gene DYRK1A found in cognitive impairments.  

Doctors tested 84 participants with Down Syndrome ranging in ages 16-34 who received a daily dose of green tea containing 9 kilograms of EGCG or a placebo.  Those taking the EGCG scored better in certain areas of cognitive function compared to those taking the placebo.  This included visual recognition memory, inhibitory control and adaptive behavior.  They also showed greater connectivity between nerve cells as shown in brain scans.

With these studies done primarily on adults, doctors hope to apply these to children in the future for better overall results. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Casey,

    I had mo idea that the use of green tea could make any impact in disorders such as down syndrome. I wonder if the daily intake of the green tea can increase the areas found in the cognitive function and improve it. I also wonder if this can help those who are much older than 34 or younger than 16. It could be possibly it would most likely better affect those who are in their adulthood. Future studies can also determine if this can help other genetic disorders that relate to cognitive functions such as language and speech development.
