Tuesday, November 24, 2020

CRISPR Revolutionizing Cancer Therapy

OV-8 bearing mice and effects of genome editing with cLNP(science magazine)

 CRISPR has been a hot topic in trying to create treatments and even "cures" for cancer. In this article, they are specifically using CRISPR with lipid nanoparticle's (LNP's) as a transport mechanism into the cell. Once in vivo, it targets PLK1, a specific protein that is pertinent in cell growth. With PLK1 being targeted, it will send these cancer cells into apoptosis. This article goes on to explain the research project that supported this idea. When injecting this CRISPR lipid nanoparticles (cLNPs) into lab animals that had cancers that specifically have a low survival rate, it increased the animal's survival rate by 30% and inhibited tumor growth by 50%(Rosenblum et al. 1). This article also went on to describe another way of transporting the technology through the body: via antibodies. With this targeted approach, specifically with ovarian cancer, they were able to increase the survival rate by 80%(Rosenblum et al. 1). 

    This idea where CRISPR may be eventually used to treat cancer effectively is truly amazing. CRISPR has always been considered when it came to cancer studies and research and will make its way slowly into medicine over time. When trying to find an effective way to combat cancer, CRISPR has been questioned due to the possibility of it mutating or changing healthy cells as well as the cancer cells. Before it is ever used in medicine, it will be heavily researched. However this study that is described above it revolutionary in the study. Another reason that CRISPR is vital in the fight against cancer is currently the drugs that are being administered such as Chemotherapy require constant rounds as well as immunotherapy for years after treatment. This is because the drugs not only effect cancer cells, but also regular cells and immune cells. Therefore after chemotherapy, immunotherapy is required to rebuild the immune system. If science has the ability to only target specifically the cancer cells, this would be revolutionary. So while science is still in the beginning when it comes to CRISPR in cancer treatments, it will go far. This study shows a lot of promise, especially since it used two very lethal forms of cancer and was able to manipulate it enough to increase the survival rate significantly. 

Articles used: science magazine and Article #2

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