Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Even the Lightest Consumption of Alcohol can Increase your Risk of Breast Cancer

According to the journal review, Alcohol Use and Breast Cancer: A Critical Review, there are many different scientific studies that support the hypothesis that even drinking alcohol lightly can have a direct effect on ones risk of getting breast cancer. The article from www.sciencedaily.com talks about the main points in the review. When our bodies breakdown and metabolize ethanol, carcinogens are generated which are released throughout our bodies. Alcohol also affects the hormonal levels in our bodies which can also increase ones risk of getting breast cancer. Many people may be surprised to hear that even consuming the smallest amount of alcohol can increase their chances of getting breast cancer; but it makes sense because putting something that toxic into our bodies is definitely going to have a major effect even if it is a small amount.

Article URL: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/06/160601084655.htm
Additional Information: http://web.a.ebscohost.com/Legacy/Views/static/html/Error.htm?aspxerrorpath=/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer

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