Autism is not linked to prenatal exposure to antidepressants
The linkage between giving birth to a child with Autism and exposure to antidepressants is not entirely clear, but progress has been made. Researchers have now come to realize that a woman who is pregnant and depressed, might harm the child more if her depression goes untreated. The effects of depression causes serious effects on the child such as how the child grows, feels, and eats. Exposure to the antidepressants has no correlation. A study down in Sweden showed that newborns exposed to antidepressants were just as much at risk to have autism as kids who were not exposed. More research has to be done to know the exact answer however. This blog was very interesting, I like how it is a relevant topic and still needs more research to be done. Most people now have been effected by Autism whether it is a sibling or a family friend. It would be awesome to further the knowledge on this disorder. I think this goes hand in hand with the theory that needles/vaccinations cause Autism. This proves again that we are wrong and this disorder is much more and needs more research to be done.
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I find it very interesting how there is a possible link between Autism and antidepressant exposure. I really hope more research is done in the near future to find out what type of correlation there really is and if there is anything that can be done to help prevent this.