In a new study, a group of researcher from London did an experiment on identical and fraternal twins. They discovered that genes actually do influence whether a mosquitoes are attracted to you or not. The genes that are responsible for this natural deterrent are the genes in control of body odor. Th people who mosquitoes find less attractive have basically a natural repellent. These natural replants are control strictly by genetics.
During the study a team studied eighteen identical twins and nineteen fraternal female twins. The result were that the identical twins were more similar in their appeal to mosquitoes than the fraternal twins were. The data collected from this experiment can be used to help us to prevent bites and can help stop the spread of diseases through bites. The lead researcher stated that he thinks one day in the future people could a pill which could enhance the production of natural repellents.
Everyone always has that one friend that just attracts all the mosquitoes and now there is a reason why. This study could help stop the spread of diseases like malaria.
I also posted about this study as well because I believe that this new discovery can help stop spread of diseases in certain countries around the world where mosquitoes carry dangerous diseases. Malaria was a perfect example of this and hopefully scientists use these results to increase our bodies effectiveness of producing natural repellants.