Saturday, April 25, 2015

stem cells in rodents

In the article they talk about the tooth evolution in the future for rodents and how their molars can keep growing constantly in the future. Rodents in the present have tall teeth and there are other types of rodents that grow nonstop molar teeth, yet in the past all species of rodents had short teeth and their molars were short and thick. The associate professor Ophir Klein from the university of California San Francisco school of Dentistry explains how he will explore the evolutions of the teeth from the rodents by using lab mice with short moral teeth that had being thickened with genetic system into taller teeth. Dr. Klein with the help of his colleagues will further research about the evolution of dental stem cells with the help of fossil records from an amount of a thousand of extinguish rodents. They have discovered from this research that the majority of species used for this experiment have the ability to acquire dental stem cells, this finding is a big step to finally acquire the understanding on how to develop constantly growing teeth. I the article they also talk about how the researchers used a computer simulator to prove how the rodents that have this stem cells will eventually surpass other species of rodents which do not possess the ever-growing trait.

1 comment:

  1. I am a student pursing dentistry as a profession and found this article highly interesting as it shows how dental students not only learn about human teeth but conduct research on teeth in many different organisms as well.
