Thursday, April 23, 2015

Coffee Protects Reoccurrence of Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer is an invasive cancer that will effect at least one in eight woman during the lifetime. Unfortunately, breast cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths in the nation. Statistics show that a woman with breast cancer range from 16%-26%. In a recent study conducted at Lund University, experiments show that coffee helps protect against the reoccurrence of the cancer. Drinking coffee inhibits the growth of tumors, and reduces the risk of patients treated with the drug tamoxifen. The cancer cells react to the caffeine in the coffee, which reduced cell division and increased cell death. 

Overall, I believe this is a very interesting article. Unfortunately I personally know people who have/had this awful disease. Although coffee only helps while taking the medication, I believe that any natural item, not a drug, that can assist in treatment should be utilized. 


1 comment:

  1. This article is very interesting. I just recently found out a close family member has breast cancer and we have been trying to find natural ways to help her fight it. Coffee is something that almost everyone drinks, so if it helps to fight and kill cancer cells we all need to start drinking more!
