Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Newly discovered hormone mimics the effects of exercise

Have you ever wished there was a way to receive the weight fighting, metabolism regulating benefits of exercising without the effort? Scientists at USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology have discovered a new hormone they named MOTS-c that does just that. MOTS-c specifically targets muscle tissue where it restores the body’s insulin sensitivity and neutralizes the insulin resistance brought on by age and diet. In the article senior author of a study on the research, Pinchas Cohen, explains that the identification of this hormone can represent a major advancement in future treatments for diseases such as diabetes. The research team tested the effects of MOTS-c by injecting the hormone into mice fed a high fat diet. The high fat diet would normally cause the rats to grow obese and develop a resistance to insulin, however, the team discovered that the hormone suppressed both effects in the mice as well as reversed the age-dependent insulin resistance, a condition that precedes diabetes. The genetic significance of the MOTS-c lies within the DNA of the mitochondria.  Although the tests have only been performed on lab mice, the molecular mechanisms that make it function occur in all mammals, including humans.

I found this article to be very interesting due to the severity of Type II diabetes and obesity in the United States. With the discovery of MOTS-c I hope new treatments can be discovered to counteract the negative effects on the body brought on by our unhealthy, high fat diets. For the individuals who are unable to get regular exercise due to physical or mental limitations, MOTS-c could be the key to decreasing diabetes and obesity in these less fortunate individuals allowing for an overall healthier lifestyle.

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