According to a recent study by researchers at Hopkins University there is a direct correlation between genes and the ability to develop type 2 diabetes. As it is well known another cause of developing diabetes is obesity, but researchers have discovered that obesity may cause a change in the chemical structure of DNA which in turn affects the bodies ability to release insulin. This change in gene structure from obesity is what triggers the onset of diabetes in many people, and is known as the epigenome. Researchers examined the DNA of obese mice before and after gastric bypass surgery to determine wether genetic alteration will remain the same or go back to normal once the fat has been removed. According to the experiment the genes of the mice remained the same after surgery and still showed the same change in DNA structure. This study helped to show the exact correlation between obesity and diabetes and how it is the change in gene structure that brings the onset of this disease on people.
Reading this article opened my eyes on the many side affects of obesity and how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. My grandmother was recently diagnosed with type II diabetes and doctors have said it was due to her poor diet. I can now determine the exact cause of this and hopefully be able to prevent other members of my family from developing diabetes.
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