Friday, January 30, 2015

Genetic Variation: A better indication for Cancer?

Cancer in any case, pediatric or adult, is devastating. Through long treatments and the question of reoccurring battles, those suffering and their loved ones are searching for answers on how to better indicate who will be more likely to battle the disease multiple times. A new study suggests that instead of looking for mutations in the DNA of an individual, the variation in the person's genetics should be studied. 

Newly conducted research in Sweden suggests that scientists should begin to look differently at pediatric cancer patient's DNA. It is evident that there is more genetic variation in cancer cells then healthy cells, allowing there to be a greater chance for mistakes in cell division. Researchers state that studying small variations in the DNA create a better picture of what cells will be problematic when the cells divide in the future. 

I believe this is a very interesting article. I found it most alarming that genetic variation is linked to how aggressive the cancer will act in the patient's body. Although this research only focused on common kidney cancer in children, I believe the same will be true for other cancers. The researchers are starting a new study on a larger population in Europe to determine if small variations can predict which treatments are better.  I am very eager to see the new study the team is conducting in Europe. 

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