This genetic test was banned in the US because the Food and Drug Administration did not approve of the medical uses of the kit and feared that people would rely solely on test results and not seek professional medical advice.
While I think that this test can be helpful in determining ancestry, I feel that the Food and Drug Administration has a good point. It can be reassuring to those people who get the test results back and learn that they do not have any diseases or genetic risks for diseases. However, people who learn they have a genetic predisposition to certain diseases may live in fear for the rest of their lives simply because they MIGHT one day be diagnosed with a condition. This is not how someone should live their life, and I think that 23andMe will soon realize the consequences of selling such a readily available genetic testing service.
I agree with you that this test is helpful, but people shouldn't rely solely on these test results. Overall I think it's a good tool for people trying to find out who they are and where they come from.