Wednesday, December 3, 2014

DNA Shown To Withstand Even The Most Extreme Conditions

The wonders and capabilities of DNA continue to broaden its horizons as more and more researchers study this molecule of life. DNA, being the genetic information command molecule from generation to generation, and cell to cell, is an astounding subject of many recent studies and there are still many mysteries about its capabilities. Recently, scientists with the University of Zurich sent DNA into space and were astonished with what they had found.

Led by Professor Oliver Ullrich, a team of scientists at UZH sent DNA into space by putting samples on the outter shell of the payload section of a rocket used in the TEXUS-49 mission. The rocket was launched into space and reentered Earth's atmosphere.What these scientists found was astonishing. Much of the DNA sent on the outer shell of the ship survived both the launch and reentry mostly intact. Even more interestingly, these DNA fragments were still capable of passing on genetic information as shown through the use of bacterial and connective tissue cells. This carries profound ideas especially with concerns of extraterrestrial life. The study shows that DNA can be put through the extreme conditions of the vacuum of space and reentry into an atmosphere, so contaminant DNA of extraterrestrial life or the spread of terrestrial DNA to other planets.

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  1. The content of this post is quite interesting! The capability of DNA to store genetic information is truly amazing, and this finding as detailed in this post goes to show how even more magnificent DNA is in its ability to withstand the extreme conditions of space travel. The implications to extraterrestrial life are fascinating, with the possibility of spreading of contaminant DNA of extraterrestrial organisms. Hopefully this finding will produce for the pursuit of additional information regarding DNA and the conditions of space. Interesting find!

  2. Wow! It's really fascinating that the DNA survived the voyage through space, especially when leaving and reentering the atmosphere. Those are some tough conditions for it to survive through. If human DNA can make this trip, who's to say other organic molecules from other planets or even "extraterrestrestrial life" could be discovered by studying the contents of meteorites.
