DNA From Outer Space
Sitting with a few beers at a campfire on a warm summer night, i can only imagine that many people ponder how life came to this planet. What else would there be to talk about? Well a team of Swiss and German scientists have completed studies that produce clues that it could have been possible for the first DNA to come from outer space. Early in the Earth's history, meteorites and asteroids hit the planet. The popular thought until now was that anything that entered our atmosphere reached extreme temperatures and could not survive.
The scientists dotted a rocket with DNA fragments inside the exterior grooves. Once the flight of the rocket was concluded, they tested the stability of the genetic material. The flight consisted of a 13 minute round trip with exit and reentry into the atmosphere. They found that the DNA that could create life survived the trip intact. The scientists did note that the experiment could not fully replicate the speed and temperature of a meteorite colliding with earth. It does prove that a civilization could be contaminated with DNA on the outside of a spaceship. Bacteria was already known to survive certain similar conditions.This of course does not prove or disprove any evidence of how life was started on earth or anywhere else if there is life on other planets.
t's interesting to know that DNA fragments can survive this harsh of environment. I believe that this study could be evidence that life could've started on Earth by a meteorite or something larger containing these DNA fragments it was stored deep inside of the rock.If bacterial DNA can survive this kind of blast, then our human DNA, using a similar bacterial capsule, can survive.