Friday, December 5, 2014

Coffee Help Preventing Parkinson's

Neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's are less common for those who drink a lot of coffee. Since illnesses like Parkinson's are intertwined with both genetics and environmental factors, the habit of having coffee is encouraged for prevention. A research team has identified in a study of a million genetic malformations that a variant of GRIN2A protects against Parkinson's. The corresponding protecting play a huge role in many neurodegenerative diseases.

A dopamine receptor that manages the amount of calcium enters a cell is combined with caffeine. As a part of the reward system, dopamine involved with caffeine has been thought to not reward individuals with certain genetic variations the same. GRIN2A has recently shown a recent connection to such a genetic predisposition.


  1. I've heard both positive and negative effects of coffee, but I haven't heard of GRIN2A before. The link between a decreased risk of Parkinson's and an increased level of caffeine is something that is not widely known. I found this blog very interesting.

  2. It's nice to know that if potential Parkinson's patients want to be tested for GRIDN2A, they can just be easily treated with coffee/caffeine with this new study.

  3. Well, at least now I know my coffee addiction is beneficial in some way.
