Friday, December 5, 2014

Alcoholic Recovery Genetic Markers

 This international study, done by Mayo Clinic, has found a certain gene variant that was connected to the treatment with acamprostate and sober success length. Acamprosate is a commonly used prescribed drug that help recovering alcoholic patients. The gene variant that was being observed was rs2058878 located in gene GRIN2B. The results showed that patients that were carrying this gene as well as taking acamprostate stay sober longer than the patients who didn't. Collaborators from Germany also repeated this study and found the same results.


  1. I think this is interesting article for people trying to be sober. People who need help staying sober should get genetic testing to look for the gene GRIN2B. This can help people to stop drinking alcohol.

  2. I'm surprised that the effects of the gene GRIN2B aren't more widely known. It sounds like something that would be beneficial to many people. Hopefully the usefulness of the gene will continue to be successful and emphasized.

  3. It is interesting for once to here of a gene that helps with sobriety rather than a gene that causes someone to be more susceptible to alcoholism. It's interesting to know that when linked with a drug, the gene works better. I'd love to know more about exactly how the gene works with the drug and wether or not the gene works without the drug. Do people still have a better chance of staying sober if they have the gene but don't take the drug?

  4. I agree with Siena. It is nice to hear of a gene that can help someone rather than hearing of another gene that causes a sickness. I wonder if the drug is still effective in people without the gene? Are there any other side effects from the drug? But all together a very interesting article.
