Monday, November 24, 2014

Primary Care Pediatricians Avoid Genetics Examinations in Patient Care

A study published in Genetics in Medicine shows many pediatricians have a difficult time using genetics in their routine care. After research in multiple specialties, they have concluded the greatest obstacle is the doctors’ general ignorance in the field of genetic medicine. This is not surprising due to the exponential daily advancement in genetic information and technology. To solve this crucial situation, the best way is to educate primary physicians with a helpful guideline and educational system.  

This article stood out to me because I’m currently in the pre-medical concentration. I have heard stories of incompetent doctors and this news confirms my doubts. I understand physicians have extremely busy schedule; however, it is also important to keep up with recent research and discoveries to better their preventive and care practice. A doctor who never stops learning is one I will strive to become. 

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